I realized a long time ago that what we put in our mouths strongly determines the daily and long term quality of our lives. Proper nutrition gives us the wherewithal to make all things possible. I understand and enjoy that feeling of well being and clarity that a predominantly vegetarian food diet presents. My decision to dedicate my life’s work to teaching the art of healthy food preparation is certainly a calling of destiny.

A degree in sociology and psychology from SUNY, Stony Brook, followed by more technical nutritional studies at Hofstra University and three years at the Kushi Institute in Boston have helped me to better understand the mental condition while guiding students to rethink their diets and lifestyle choices.

I learned about medicinal food preparation from a host of great chefs while becoming acquainted with other healing philosophies. I have researched European, Oriental, Ayurvedic, and American views of wellness over the years. These powerful skills I learned have served me well to this day.

I moved to Florida in 1984 where I developed a more intense interest in the benefits of a raw food lifestyle. I joined the staff at Hippocrates Health Institute in 1989 as Executive Chef where I developed my book, Dining In The Raw. Brian Clement, Director of Hippocrates Health Institute, has said in days past, “I’ve often thought of diet as the true pharmacy and of Rita as a precision pharmacist.”

After studying many different ancient as well as modern philosophies, I have combined all my knowledge to actively promote using food as medicine. This has become the icing on my professional cake. Career chefs often come to work with me to expand their healing repertoire. Preparing fresh, sprouted, living foods has become a lost art and is now being revived. My book "Dining in the Raw" has been on the market for many years and is still relevant today.

This book represents both cooked and raw philosophies. It has long served me well as the curriculum for my consultations and classes. These recipes offer not only metabolic rejuvenation, but also a sense of awareness regarding social, sensual, and traditional aspects of nourishment that are so important for overall mental and physical well-being. There are over 800 kitchen tested creations ranging from raw to marinates to dehydrates to exciting hot entrees.

Victor Kulvinskas, a mentor and a true patriarch of the raw food movement wrote the first foreword to my book. In it he said, “Rita is a magician of sorts. No doubt divinely inspired, I’m sure she consults with at least seven invisible kitchen angels who inspire her to create miracles in serving bowls.” I continue to pass on this inspiration.