The Healing Begins Here

Animals of every species instinctively refuse to eat when they are feeling ill but humans as a whole have forgotten to use this method of recovery except for religious gurus as well as a few primitive tribes in the remote areas of Asia and Africa.

These tribes have special places on the outskirts of their towns where the sick can go to fast and eat a limited diet.

They stay there as long as it takes to recover. Cleansing is nature’s way of controlling the growth of disease and hopefully restoring one’s vitality. There are now health spas appearing all over the world promoting this process.

The process of cleansing and fasting has now become more popular among wholistic practitioners who highly recommend not only a specific limited diet but also colon cleansing. I was first introduced to colon therapy at an early age by a well known doctor named Dr. D’Adamo whose son went on to write "Eat Right For Your Blood Type."

He started me on my journey as a medicinal chef by introducing me to the use of food as medicine. Following weekly visits involving colonics, foot baths, tissue salts and a specialized diet, I was brought back to a state of vibrant health after a life threatening episode with an almost fatal food poisoning. I was hooked on the value of cleansing and detoxing at an early age through personal experience.

Recent scientific research and clinical studies have shown conclusive proof that periodic cleansing and caloric restriction are the way to extend your lifetime both mentally and physically.

Dr. Roy Walford who wrote "Beyond The 120 Year Diet" experimented with various species and has found out quite clearly that calorie restriction and body cleansing prolongs the lifespan of all species. This evidence would suggest a lifespan of at least 120 years as demonstrated by Indian and Chinese sages.

This is the concept I promote at the Rita Romano Institute.

Learning how to abstain from solid food for short periods permits the body to allow detoxification to take place at warp speed ahead. All of the energy the body normally uses for digestion is diverted into using its resources to consume and eliminate disease from the body.

Another upside to cleansing is the enhanced production of human growth hormone. HGH is a beautiful thing. It is released into the blood and travels around the body repairing and regenerating damaged tissues and functions that are vital to existence. Furthermore we are not producing any significant new waste caused by normal eating habits. As we get older HGH, a powerful regenerative hormone, is greatly diminished causing the onset of chronic conditions and aging. By cleansing and fasting regularly, we stimulate the secretion of this hormone to help repair body functions, eliminate disease and slow down aging.

Buddhists and Hindus are well known for using the process of fasting and cleansing for thousands of years to extend life. Pythagoras, Aristotle, and Plato are famous Greek philosophers who made it known that they cleansed regularly to improve their mental and physical conditions.

Ancient Chinese practitioners realized the link between toxic bowels and disease. They understood the connection between a blocked digestive system and stagnant blood. Of course this leads to stagnant energy which in today's world, most people try to cure with a strong cup of coffee.

Aside from cleansing with fresh juices along with a restricted diet, the use of colonic irrigation speeds up the detox process dramatically helping to immediately eliminate the toxic waste in your lower bowels. Regular colonics are recommended. It is well worth the effort to find a good colonic therapist. It helps to regenerate the body naturally. Dr. Bernhard Jensen, a well-known pioneer in the field of naturopathic medicine, wrote about the importance of cleansing and colon hydrotherapy in his book, "Tissue Cleansing Through Bowel Manangement".

Today people need to see the connection between the degradation of the human body and the ongoing massive pollution of our planet. We also need to realize the interdependence between physical, spiritual, and mental health. Cleaning up the planet aside from our own personal detox process make up the recipe for restoring peace and harmony on earth.

Mental disorders along with spiritual discontent are symptoms present in our society today. The Moscow Research Institute of Psychiatry did a clinical study regarding the benefits of detoxification as it relates to mental illness. The study demonstrated many health benefits without the use of drugs. Thousands of patients were part of this study. Numerous conditions like brain fog, depression, schizophrenia and bipolar disorder were alleviated using whole body cleansing and fasting methods. Some were completely reversed. These programs are still used today with great success.

When observing the numerous ads on TV, the many big pharma products being promoted indicate people are getting sicker at a much younger age. Cleansing and fasting are the quickest way to eliminate toxicity so the body can repair itself. The choice is yours. Daniel Reed wrote a book called "The Tao Of Health Sex And Longevity." In it he talked about the fact that as you age your blood and your tissues accumulate toxins and begin to lose vitality. Either you flush these toxins out periodically or suffer the consequences. I hope you make the right choice. These truths are timeless. Good health is priceless.